Dr. Carlos Erazo
"Both infectious and noninfectious pulmonary diseases were more common among HIV-positive patients than among HIV-negative controls.
Potent combination antiretroviral therapy has substantially reduced the incidence of infectious pulmonary complications of HIV infection. In a recent analysis of U.S. veterans, investigators compared the incidence of infectious and noninfectious respiratory illnesses between HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals.
The study population consisted of 33,000 HIV-positive patients and 67,000 HIV-negative controls matched for demographic characteristics. The median age in the cohort was 45, and 98% of participants were men. A subset analysis indicated that although most participants were past or current smokers, the proportion was significantly higher among HIV-positive patients (80% vs. 76%). Pulmonary diagnoses were identified using ICD-9 codes.
Bacterial pneumonia was by far the most common infectious illness and occurred about five times more frequently in HIV-positive patients than in HIV-negative controls. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary fibrosis were also significantly more common among HIV-positive patients. All these differences held after adjustment for smoking status. The incidence of asthma was similar between groups.
Comment: The notable finding here is the increased rate of noninfectious pulmonary diseases — particularly COPD — among HIV-positive patients, even after adjustment for smoking status. Whether this increased risk would still be present in a population with a lower rate of smoking is unknown. Regardless, the authors argue that HIV can be considered one of the many contributors to chronic lung disease, and certainly the results provide additional impetus for emphasizing smoking cessation in clinical care."
— Paul E. Sax, MD
Published in Journal Watch HIV/AIDS Clinical Care February 14, 2011
Crothers K et al. HIV infection and risk for incident pulmonary diseases in the combination antiretroviral therapy era. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011 Feb 1; 183:388.
- Original article (Subscription may be required)"