domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011


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Dr. Carlos Erazo


Journal Watch
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STDs for October 18, 2011

The results illustrate the need for frequent repeat testing and comprehensive prevention efforts.
Reviewing: Kranzer K et al. PLoS ONE 2011 Sep 28; 6:e25244
Women using hormonal contraception — especially injectable forms — had a twofold increase in the risk for both acquiring and transmitting HIV infection.
Reviewing: Heffron R et al. Lancet Infect Dis 2011 Oct 4;
October 7, 2011 | Carole Gilling-Smith, MD, PhD | HIV/AIDS Clinical Care
In a group of studies that involved more than 1700 HIV-serodiscordant couples undergoing sperm washing with assisted reproduction, none of the women or newborns seroconverted to HIV-positive.
Reviewing: Vitorino RL et al. Fertil Steril 2011 Apr 95:1684
October 3, 2011 | Raphael J. Landovitz, MD, MSc | HIV/AIDS Clinical Care
Evaluation of oral tenofovir/FTC and tenofovir gel will continue as planned.
The theory's attractive, but a new test still needs to be validated.
Reviewing: Bischof JJ et al. AIDS 2011 Sep 24; 25:1927
October 3, 2011 | Timothy J. Henrich, MD | HIV/AIDS Clinical Care
Available evidence supports confirmatory treponemal-specific testing for patients who have an initial positive syphilis immunoassay followed by a negative RPR result.
Reviewing: Park IU et al. J Infect Dis 2011 Sep 19; 204:1297
Hoover KW and Radolf JD. J Infect Dis 2011 Nov 1; 204:1295
October 3, 2011 | HIV/AIDS Clinical Care
Insights and observations from the principal investigator of the HPTN 052 trial
September 26, 2011 | Abigail Zuger, MD | HIV/AIDS Clinical Care
Low bone-mineral density was more common than expected among HIV-negative men who have sex with men and was correlated with amphetamine and inhalant use.
Reviewing: Liu AY et al. PLoS ONE 2011 Aug 29; 6:e23688
September 26, 2011 | HIV/AIDS Clinical Care
Paul Sax, MD, pleads his case in his blog HIV and ID Observations.
Free Full-Text Article
Summary and Comment

Many Unaware of Their HIV-Positive Status Despite High Rates of Testing

The results illustrate the need for frequent repeat testing and comprehensive prevention efforts.
HIV counseling and testing (HCT) is an important entry point for accessing HIV treatment and prevention services. Ideally, HCT should be performed at regular intervals, especially for sexually active individuals living in high-prevalence settings. In a recent (2010) cross-sectional study, researchers assessed HCT uptake and HIV prevalence among 1300 individuals (age, >15) randomly selected from a peri-urban community near Cape Town, South Africa. Field workers visited the homes of these individuals up to five times to encourage them to undergo free HCT through a mobile HIV testing service; 88% eventually accepted.
Overall, 23% of study participants tested positive for HIV infection. Remarkably, 45% of these cases represented new diagnoses, even though most of the study participants had been tested for HIV before (71% overall; 38% in the previous year). The proportion of study participants with a new HIV diagnosis was 18% among those who had never been tested before and 9% among those who had. This proportion varied by the timing of the most recent test — 5% among those tested within the preceding year, 8% among those tested 1 to 2 years previously, and 20% among those tested >2 years previously. The prevalence of HIV infection was highest (42%) among women aged 25 to 35, whereas the proportion of positive tests that were new diagnoses was significantly higher among men (62%, vs. 37% among women).
Comment: The large proportion of individuals with new HIV diagnoses in this community, even among those who had an HIV test in the preceding year, underscores the need for frequent repeat HIV testing — and also indicates high underlying incidence rates. HCT and awareness alone are insufficient to reduce HIV acquisition.
Published in Journal Watch HIV/AIDS Clinical Care October 17, 2011
Kranzer K et al. High prevalence of self-reported undiagnosed HIV despite high coverage of HIV testing: A cross-sectional population based sero-survey in South Africa. PLoS ONE 2011 Sep 28; 6:e25244. (

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