lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

Quien deberia cuidar de los pacientes ancianos con VIH?

Who Should Care for the Aging HIV Patient? Everything Old Is . . . Oh You Know

Dr. Paul Sax invites debate in his blog HIV and ID Observations.
A remark last week in Journal Watch AIDS Clinical Care — that HIV clinicians should take a refresher course in primary care, to stay up to date on managing an aging patient population — has reignited the debate on who should provide care for HIV-infected patients: HIV specialists or primary care providers. One reader wrote that "perhaps we should focus on educating primary care doctors so that they feel more comfortable with HIV patients rather than HIV clinicians so that they feel more comfortable with primary care." What do you think? Join the debate with Dr. Paul Sax in his blog HIV and ID Observations.
Published in Journal Watch HIV/AIDS Clinical Care November 21, 2011

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